MIDI data files.

 Click one from listted MIDI data files to hear the music, please. Then, you may see only a play bar appeared on the page. Or you may see a player dialog, or a save dialog. That is depending on your browser's setting.

 Attention! If you see only a play bar appeared on the page, please return by browser's "return" button when you return from the page. If you close, your window itself is closed. Because new window hasn't been opened in this case.
I think this is safety method for playing MIDI data file with many kinds of browser. In fact it's only directory link of the MIDI file.

 I made them on writing score by Mark of the Unicorn, Inc. FreeStyle(TM).

Go to Japanese page

Caution! only be used freely for non-commercial purposes.

fall_rainThis music may be like ice-rain in a late fall. It's simple composed, but I like the result. Would you feel that? Three minutes.

a_plain_flowerThis music is a image about a wild plain flower, no one knows the name. Two and a half minutes.

starry_nightfor a Merry Christmas night. Two minutes.

snowy_nightThis is a MIDI file version of snowy_nt.mov.I imagined a night scene that a snow is falling silently. Two minutes.

pastoralThis is my first completed music. I imagined warm feelings of a ordinary countryside. It's a simple composition, only one minute.

hushWhen I felt desolate and irritated, I wanted a calm melody. It's a simple composition, one and a half minute.

farewellA farewell with affections. one and three quarters minute.

fallimgA sentiment for autumn. This may be orthodox style, three minutes.

vernal_riverThis river flows through spring hummocks and trees that has new leaves. Two and a half minutes.


 Please give your thoughts or feelings:

Suiho Akiyama, post@su-akiyama.jp
